
Dear Media: Child Sex Abuse is Not a 'Sexual Affair'

A St. Petersburg, Fl., city councilman resigned today amid reports that the police are investigating him for allegedly molesting three of his children. The media outlet that broke the story, Tampa Bay's FOX TV affiliate, described it in this manner: City Councilman John Bryan abruptly resigned his post Friday amid accusations he had a sexual relationships with three of his adopted children. The media has a bad habit of using the terms "sexual relationship" or "affair" in cases like this, as if ... (read more)

Conservative: A Journalist Who Got Mugged

What Toronto journalist Jessica Hume, 25, thought about muggers last week: ... I would have seen the attackers as possible victims of our society. I'd have assumed they were alienated youths, disconnected from their neighbours, teachers, peers -- people who don't feel represented by their politicians. I would even have felt sorry for them to some degree. What she thinks of them now after getting mugged: I don't feel any sympathy now, not for the people who come equipped with weapons, waiting in ... (read more)