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If your browser supports forms, as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer do, you can participate in the same Diner Poll that's being taken at diners around the country this week!

Click on the down arrows below to answer the multiple choice questions. The other questions are fill-in-the-blank.

Diner Poll 2.3

Your name:

Your e-mail address:


  1. What should we do about sexual material on the Internet?
    no answer
    Let it be; people don't have to look at it
    Prosecute those responsible for the worst of it
    If possible, devise some way to shield children from it

  2. A student makes a racist speech on the sidewalk of a public university. What should happen to him or her?
    no answer
    The student should be expelled
    The student should be required to apologize
    Nothing should happen to the student

  3. How would you describe someone who asks school officials to remove a book from the student library because of racy language?
    no answer
    A busybody
    A concerned parent

  4. Do you think the sale of pornography should be protected by the First Amendment?

Does It Take a Village?

  1. Should adoption agencies try to place children with parents of the same race?
    no answer
    Only if it doesn't slow down the hunt for homes
    No -- good parents come in all colors
    Yes -- because kids need to know their own culture

  2. Should social service agencies try to keep troubled families together, or should they take away children at the first sign of neglect or abuse?
    no answer
    Take the children away immediately
    First try to solve the problem within the family

  3. How would you describe most kids who have been home-schooled?
    no answer
    Often ahead of students their own age
    They have a narrow view of the world
    Not much different from those who attend regular school

  4. What image comes to mind when you hear the word "orphanage"?
Animal Rights
  1. What is your attitude toward hunting?
    no answer
    It's a worthwhile sport that I enjoy
    It's a cruel, unnecessary sport
    I don't personally hunt, but I don't mind others doing it
    It's only OK on occasion, such as when a herd needs thinning

  2. When should animals be used in medical and scientific research?
    no answer
    There is no good reason to use them
    Only when there is hope of saving human lives
    When the research will improve our scientific knowledge

  3. A first-time poacher in Colorado recently got nine months in jail and an $8,000 fine for killing a bull elk. Does This sentence seem fair?
    no answer
    It should have been stronger
    Seems about right
    It was too harsh

  4. Would you ever consider becoming a vegetarian?

Additional comments:

Can we use your comments on the show or on this web site?

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