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Every week, Issues USA goes into real diners around the United States to talk politics. The Diner Poll is made available for customers to give their opinions and offer suggestions.

Two sets of diner patrons won trips to New York for participating in our poll! The winners were Joshua Lane of Anniston, Al., and Jennifer Sheier of Tuscaloosa, Al., who answered a Diner Poll at Diamond Dave's Cafe; and Mickey's Diner owner Eric Matson and his daughter Melissa, both of Mandola Heights, Minn.

You can take the current Diner Poll here on the Web, see the results of the most recent poll below, and scan the list of participating diners. Be sure to suggest your own favorite restaurant!

Diner Poll responses for Poll 2.3 came from this web site and diners around the country.

Diner Poll #2.3

Character in Politics

  1. Name the two most unethical administrations of the post-war era:
    • a) Johnson and Nixon: 29%
    • b) Nixon and Reagan: 28%
    • c) Nixon and Clinton: 20%
    • d) Johnson and Clinton: 23%

  2. Washington scandals get a lot of publicity -- that's because:
    • a) Politicians are less principled these days: 18%
    • b) The media pay more attention to it: 69%
    • c) We expect a higher standard of behavior than in the past: 13%

  3. What irritates you most about political campaigns?
    • a) Candidates are always ripping each other: 22%
    • b) We don't have enough choices: 19%
    • c) The important issues are getting overlooked: 37%
    • d) Fund-raising has become big business: 22%

What would the great presidents think of today's America?

  1. They would be:
    • a) Pleased -- due to its tremendous wealth, success, and worldwide influence: 20%
    • b) Discouraged -- because of the lack of faith, family, and patriotism: 80%

  2. There have been 42 Presidents in U.S. history. Where would you rank Bill Clinton?
    • a) Bottom quarter: 33%
    • b) Bottom half: 25%
    • c) Top half: 28%
    • d) Top quarter: 14%

  3. Imagine a four-way race today between Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Clinton and Bob Dole. Who would win?
    • a) Jefferson: 34%
    • b) Roosevelt: 52%
    • c) Clinton: 11%
    • d) Dole: 3%

Television's impact on society

  1. What statement best describes your attitude towards television:
    • a) It's informative and entertaining: 22%
    • b) It's good for when there is nothing better to do: 23%
    • c) It has created a nation of couch potatoes: 19%
    • d) It has undermined morality and family life: 36%

  2. If you were able to receive only one television network, which one would it be?
    • a) One of the big three (ABC, CBS, or NBC): 32%
    • b) CNN: 20%
    • c) ESPN: 7%
    • d) MTV: 2%
    • e) Discovery or some other specialty channel: 39%

  3. What do you think of negative ads in political campaigns?
    • a) It's politics as usual -- they should be ignored: 42%
    • b) They turn people off -- they should be banned: 34%
    • c) We need them in order to spot the real differences between candidates: 24%

Environmental fallacies

  1. What's your opinion on recycling?
    • a) It's absolutely necessary in a wasteful society: 75%
    • b) It's a matter of personal choice: 25%

  2. When should logging be allowed on national forests?
    • a) never: 17%
    • b) When surrounding communities depend on logging for jobs: 8%
    • c) When the timber is diseased or dying: 32%
    • d) When it can be done without cutting large areas: 43%

  3. Which phrase best sums up your attitude toward environmental groups?
    • a) They frighten the public for their own political gain: 23%
    • b) They're just another special interest: 24%
    • c) They're objective and science-based: 8%
    • d) They're vital in protection from corporate polluters: 45%

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