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Special ThanksDedicationTo the Klez e-mail worm, which makes sure that I always have new email to read, even if it's gibberish from total strangers who practice unsafe computing. To the Jacksonville Jaguars offensive line, which could teach us all a lesson about finding ways to let people in instead of building walls to keep them out. To Ronald McDonald, who helped prepare my body for the next Ice Age, in which my ability to retain large amounts of heat will make it easier for me to survive. To the Texas Rangers pitching staff, who always make others feel at ease by helping them get home. And to my wife Mary and my sons Max, Eli, and Sam. What ... did you think I was going to say something sarcastic about them, too? -- Rogers AcknowledgementsTo the folks at Sams -- especially Mark Taber, Scott Meyers, Elizabeth Finney, John Purdum, and Seth Kerney. No author can produce a book like this on his own, regardless of what my agent told Sams during contract negotiations. Their excellent work will give me plenty to take credit for later on. To Neil Salkind and Jessica Richards at the Studio B agency, who worked hard on my behalf in regard to this title and many others. To my wife, Mary, and my sons, Max, Eli, and Sam. Although our family has not fulfilled my dream of becoming a high-wire trapeze team like the Flying Wallendas, I'm the world's proudest husband in a non-acrobatic family. Reader AcknowledgementsI'd also like to thank readers who have sent helpful comments about corrections, typos, and suggested improvements to the book. The list includes Brian Converse, Philip B. Copp III, Wallace Edwards, M.B. Ellis, Kevin Foad, Adam Grigsby, Mark Hardy, Kelly Hoke, Donovan Kelorii, Monte Knouse, Russel Loski, Jason Saredy, Mike Savage, Peter Schrier, Gene Wines, Jim Yates and others who shall remain nameless because they helped me improve the book before I started this list. |
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