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Jerome Armstrong | Twenty-First Century Democrats
Jerome Armstrong

Honoring our Paul and Sheila Wellstone Award
for Political Organizing Recipient:

Jerome Armstrong

We honor Jerome Armstrong for his visionary leadership in working to create the online netroots community, which has changed the face of politics forever in America by creating a mechanism for people to come together and demand accountability from their leaders. Jerome’s actions represent the forward thinking approach our organization is championing. Our mission is to catalyze quantum leaps in society by electing and empowering extraordinary, visionary leaders. We believe that we will not see major policy changes in this country until all Americans realize that the power to make dramatic changes belongs to the people. His efforts have played a critical role in making it possible for ordinary citizens to create large scale social change.

We believe empowering visionary leaders is the most highly leveraged and important activity to cause massive positive change in this country. The incrementalism of most politicians will not build the political will to support the dramatic changes needed to solve the problems of today. It takes visionary leadership and an organized informed electorate to adopt bold policies which build a fair, just, and sustainable society. Jerome’s work has given every American an opportunity to participate in the political process, and has empowered the true heart of the progressive movement - passionate activists across the country who share their ideas, volunteer their time, and work for change.

Armstrong founded, one of the first online political communities in 2001, and is widely recognized as a pioneer of the development of the progressive movement. Armstrong was an architect of Howard Deans online strategy in 2004, and he works with a wide variety of campaigns and organizations committed to our shared progressive values. he is the co-author of the groundbreaking book "Crashing the Gate." In that book, he and co-author Markos Moulitsas Zuniga note:

"Being active at the core of the people-powered transformation has been an incredible experience for us, and playing a role in building the infrastructure has been immensely gratifying. But while the media and political elites try to label us as 'leaders' in this movement...the fact is that we are no more 'leaders' than anyone else who frequents our websites. We have laid the groundwork and helped build the 'public square,' but it is the community that provides the energy and shapes our agenda."
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Armstrong began his work in progressive politics in the early 1980s working with Greenpeace and Earth First!. He later served with the Peace Corps, spent a year and a half at a Buddhist monastery, and served in Americorps, with the I Have a Dream program.

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