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Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days, Eighth Edition
Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours, Eighth Edition
Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours |
Welcome to the web page for
the book Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours, Sixth Edition by Rogers Cadenhead. The book teaches Java 7 programming for non-programmers, new programmers who hated learning a language, and experienced programmers who want to quickly get up to speed.
Use these links for information related to a specific hour in the book:
What's New
Most recent additions to this site:
- Hour 21: Alternate URL for current weather data (05-13-2014)

- Hour 5: The weight variable in the PlanetWeight program is a double (02-03-2012)

- Hour 7: Correction to Listing 7.2 (02-03-2012)

- Hour 9: Correction to Listing 9.4 (12-29-2011)

- This site was launched (11-01-2011).

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