Owl Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours

Hour 9: Storing Information With Arrays


  • On Page 147, the second exercise is a poor choice on my part because it requires techniques that haven't been introduced in the first nine hours of the book.
        Here's a more suitable assignment: Write a short program using loops that stores the first 400 numbers that are multiples of 13 in an array. The solution for this exercise can be found in Find40013s.java and Find40013s.class.



  • Question: Is the numeric range of the alphabet, from 65 for 'A' to 90 for 'Z', part of the basic Java language? If so, what are 1 through 64 reserved for?
    Answer: The numbers 1 through 64 include numerals, punctuation marks, and some unprintable characters such as linefeed, newline, and backspace. A number is associated with each printable character that can be used in a Java program, as well as some unprintable ones. Java uses the Unicode numbering system, which supports more than 60,000 different characters from the different languages of the world. The first 127 characters are from the ASCII character set, which you might have used in another programming language.