Owl Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days Professional Reference Edition

Day 1: A Fistful of Java





  • Q: How can I install the JDK from the book's CD?
    A: The \3rdParty\Sun Microsystems folder on the CD contains two versions of the JDK: jdk12-win32.exe for Windows users and Solari~1.tar for Solaris users. To install the Windows version, doubleclick jdk12-win32.exe and the JDK Setup program will begin running.
  • Q: When I tried to install the jdk12-win32.exe file from the book's CD, I received a "System error during decompression" error message. How can I get this to work or receive a version of the CD that has a working install executable of JDK 1.2?
    A: The first thing to try is to reboot your system, close all open windows and try to reinstall the JDK from the CD. This helps to rule out the possibility that a lack of memory caused the error. If this doesn't work, you can compare your CD's contents to the full directory listing for the book's CD. If you want to contact Sams.net to request a replacement CD, you can call (800) 858-7674 or send e-mail to the Technical Support department.