Owl Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days

Day 13: Responding to User Input in an Applet


  • Pages 319-331: The mouse event-handling methods used in the Spots and Lines examples cause deprecation warnings to be displayed when the applets are compiled. This occurs because the programs use Java 1.0 techniques so they can run in the widest possible audience of Web browsers. To find out about the Java 2 techniques for handling mouse events, read the handling mouse clicks page for a tutorial on these new techniques, which were used to create the NewLines and NewSpots examples listed below.
  • Page 348: The SetBack applet's Web page has some incorrect HTML. In the <APPLET> tag, replace code="SetBack.java" with code="SetBack.class". The example works as printed when the page is loaded into the JDK 1.2 appletviewer, but that's nonstandard behavior for a Web browser loading Java applets. The code attribute always should refer to a .class file.



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