Owl Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days

Day 4: Object Lessons


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  • Q: In your book, you use so many methods, such as length(), charAt(), indexOf() and so on. How do we find these useful methods if we are beginners and don't know what methods exist? -- C.Y.
    A: The book covers a wide cross-section of the most useful methods in the Java class libraries, but you'll need to expand beyond these when developing your own programs. Sun offers full Java 1.2 documentation on its Java site. Also, if David Flanagan publishes a new version of Java in a Nutshell for version 1.2 of the language, you should look for a copy. His Java 1.1 in a Nutshell and Java in a Nutshell (for version 1.0) are always within reach of my computer; they offer a quick and thorough reference to all classes and methods that comprise the Java language.
  • Q: Page 96 shows examples of nested method calls such as myCustomer.cancelAllOrders().talkToManager();. I'm having a difficult time grasping nested methods with more than a single level. What would a class sample look like with a method call like the one above? -- K.A.F.
    In the preceding example, the most confusing part is probably cancelAllOrders(). This is a method of the myCustomer object that returns an object. The object that it returns has a talkToManager() method. The ShowNesting.java file shows how this specific nested method call could work in a simple Java application. It compiles into three files: ShowNesting.class, CustomerManager.class, and OrderManager.class.
  • Q: I've got the following question about the line found in Day 4; Page 102:  "The exception is casting integers to floating point values -- casting an int or a long to a float, or a long to a double can cause some loss of precision."
    How can an integer lose precision when it doesn't have it to begin with (in other words, it's not a real number)? -- P. R.
    The loss of precision occurs because integer types can hold more whole numbers than floating-point types. For this reason, you run into a loss of precision when casting very large int and long values to float and very large long values to double.
         Both int and float are 32-bit values in Java. The int primitive data type can represent 2.14 trillion different whole numbers, but float can only represent around 16.78 million whole numbers, because it also has to represent other values. When you cast an int value higher than 16,777,216 to a float, because of how Java applies the rules of floating-point arithmetic, the int value will be converted to the closest whole number that float can represent.
         To see this in action, write an application with the following code:

    int i = 2000000000;
    float one = i;
    float two = i + 5;
    if (one == two)
        System.out.println("Numbers are equal.");
        System.out.println("Numbers are not equal.");

         This will display the string "Numbers are equal." If you change the first line to int i = 16777216, the code will display the string "Numbers are not equal."