Ben Hammersley: "The combination of comment spammers, and the database calls made by mt-comments.cgi and MT-Blacklist, is putting so much load on servers that the admins are having to pull sites down to save the others."

I haven't used MT-Blacklist for my Movable Type sites, because I am loathe to trust third parties to provide up-to-date and correct blacklists. I'm having good results so far by simply closing old entries to comments and trackback.


Closing old entries...sigh, this is something I really need to do.

MT-Blacklist has been working pretty well for me, but I've been thinking of moving to Wordpress.

Last night, some moron dumped about 190 spam messages on my blog. I was able to delete them in about three minutes since they were all moderated. The MT-BL interface in MT 3.1 is pretty nice, and it's active in the background.

But, i can see what you're talking about regarding the slowdowns. I'm hosted on Hosting Matters, and opening the blog seems to take longer and longer each week.

I don't get it. Do they think anyone who sees these things actually clicks on the links?

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