import java.awt.*; public class EllsworthApplet extends javax.swing.JApplet { public void paint(Graphics screen) { Graphics2D screen2D = (Graphics2D)screen; String line1 = '\u0022' + "The advancement of the arts, from year"; String line2 = "to year, taxes our credulity, and seems"; String line3 = "to presage the arrival of that period"; String line4 = "when human improvement must end." + '\u0022'; String quote = line1 + line2 + line3 + line4; String speaker = "Henry Ellsworth"; String title = "U.S. Commissioner of Patents"; String from = "1843 Annual Report of the Patent Office"; screen2D.drawString(line1, 5, 50); screen2D.drawString(line2, 5, 80); screen2D.drawString(line3, 5, 110); screen2D.drawString(line4, 5, 140); screen2D.drawString(speaker, 25, 170); screen2D.drawString(title, 25, 200); screen2D.drawString(from, 25, 230); } }